Impress Your Breakfast Guests With Healthy Muffin Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides energy and nutrients to your body for the day ahead. It also helps to kick start your metabolism. Most experts believe that men and women who eat breakfast regularly are more likely to lose and maintain weight when compared to individuals who skip their breakfast. It is, however, important to get a healthy start to the day, and well-balanced and nutritious breakfast could be your first step towards overall health and well being. Your healthy breakfast menu should include significant amounts of fiber along with lean proteins and carbohydrates for instant energy.

Creating a healthy breakfast menu can be challenging. The task is greater when you have guests at home. While you want to make something special for them and make them feel welcome, you do not want to make unhealthy doughnuts and pastries. Muffins are a great choice. You can use healthy muffin recipes to create exotic yet nutritious choices for your guests and family members. With the healthy recipes, almost everyone can enjoy a second serving without feeling guilty about the calories.

You can go online to find several healthy muffin recipes. You can also visit the local book store to find breakfast cookbooks with healthy muffin recipes in them. Popular choices include:

Yamberry Muffins - These consist of cranberries and sweet potato. You can also use barn or whole grain flour to increase the fiber content. The recipe is rich in vitamin A and C, and other essential nutrients.Lemon-Raspberry Muffins - Another one of the healthy muffin recipes, it includes whole grain flour along with vitamin-rich lemon juice and raspberry fruits.Banana Bran Muffins - These are rich in fiber, potassium and other important nutrients. You can add nuts rich in omega fatty acids to increase their nutrient value.Cornmeal Muffins - Individuals looking for healthy muffin recipes will also enjoy cornmeal muffins made from whole cornmeal flour. You can add spices such as cinnamon and ginger which have the ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.Buttermilk Muffins - These contain whole wheat flour, essential fatty acid-rich walnuts and pecans along with spices.

Your choice for healthy muffin recipes will essentially depend on your personal preferences. You can also consider the choice of your guests, especially if you know them well. Do not include ingredients that you or the guests may be allergic to. Most healthy muffin recipes are easy to make. You will find most ingredients at a grocery store near you. You should also prepare certain things ahead of time to save time and effort in the last minute.

You can also buy recipe mixes from regular or online stores. Make sure everything is made from highest quality ingredients. The recipe should be easy to make as well. Many bakeries also serve and sell healthy muffins in their menu. You can simply pre-order, and have them deliver the muffins to your home. Most products will stay fresh for two to three days.

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Impress Your Breakfast Guests With Healthy Muffin RecipesNot Rated Yet

Chickie Maxwell has published 429 articles. Article submitted on April 25, 2013. Word count: 492

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